Master of Urban and Regional Planning Study Program UNDIP hold a hybrid webinar and exhibition studio on Friday, December 22, 2023, at Theater Rooms. Hybrid attended and an opening remark by Dean of Engineering Faculty UNDIP Prof. Muhammad Agung Wibowo and Head of MURP Wido Prananing Tyas, PhD.

On this occasion, Sudarno as Head of the Regional Infrastructure was present as a discussant from the Agency for Regional Development (Bappeda), and Muhammad Miftah Indriarto from the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone (KITB), both of whom were present online. The presentation began Regional Planning concentration, whose members were Mega, Agus, Dekha, Rifkhi, Haqiq and Dona Adji, and continued with the presentation from the Urban Design concentration, whose members were Deril, Rizal, Zainal, Rosa and Deril, guided by the moderator Dr. Prihadi Nugroho who is one of the studio management team.

The interesting the webinar is that there is a virtual exhibition on the platform Artstep ( and students are also required to make videos of result studio which are shown on the study program’s social media and the one with the highest number of likes will be the winner (the winner is Urban Design Concentration).