
The educational curriculum in the master’s program consists of 41 semester credit units (credits) that can be taken in a period of 3 semesters, or 15-18 months of full-time study. The MPURP curriculum consists of 3 parts. The first part is compulsory courses, the second part is specialization courses, and the third part is elective courses, with the following details:

  • Compulsory Core Courses : 24 credits
  • Concentration Courses : 13 credits
  • Elective Courses : 4 credits

In the Regular and Dual Degree Programs, there are a number of concentrations available at the MPURP UNDIP. Some concentrations are offered regularly and others are tailored to the needs of students and stakeholders. The fields of scientific concentration include:

  • City Development Management (MPK)
  • Spatial Planning (PR)
  • City Design (RK)
  • Planning and Development Information System (SIPP)
  • Smart City (KC)
  • Regional Development Planning (PPW)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (Dual Degree/ International Class)
1) Regular Program

This program is generally taken by domestic students from various regions in Indonesia. This program is delivered in Indonesian. This program is designed to be completed in 3 semesters, but for this program with a choice of Smart City concentration, it can be completed in 4 (four) semesters because there are additional internship activities that must be carried out at Smart City Centers in government or private institutions. The following is the curriculum concept for the MPURP UNDIP Regular Program.

The following is a detailed of the Compulsory Courses in the MPURP UNDIP:

  • Planning and Development Issues
  • Planning and Development Process
  • Planning Methods
  • Planning Theory
  • Research Methodology
  • Thesis


Meanwhile, the following are the Core Specialization Courses offered:
Regional Development Planning

  • Regional Development Planning (LTPW8047)
  • Settlement System and Regional Infrastructure (LTPW8048)
  • Regional Economic and Policy (LTPW8049)
  • Regional Governance (LTPW8050)
  • Studio of Regional Development Planning (LTPW8051)

Spatial Planning

  • Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning (LTPW8076)
  • Urban and Regional Spatial System (LTPW8077)
  • Urban and Regional Activity System (LTPW8078)
  • Spatial Planning Institution (LTPW8079)
  • Studio of Spatial Planning (PTPW8080)

Urban Management

  • Urban Development Management (LTPW8031)
  • Urban Spatial Structure (LTPW8032)
  • Urban Economy and Development Finance (LTPW8033)
  • Urban Development Governance (LTPW8034)
  • Studio of Urban Development (PTPW8035)

Urban Design

  • Urban Design Theory (LTPW8018)
  • Principles of Urban Design (LTPW8019)
  • Economic of Area Development (LTPW8020)
  • Management and Urban Design Administration (LTPW8021)
  • Studio of Urban Design (PTPW8022)

Planning and Development Information System

  • Planning and Development Information System (LTPW8040)
  • Concept & Technology of Geography Information System (LTPW8041)
  • Remote Sensing and Image Processing (LTPW8042)
  • Location Theory and Spatial Analysis (LTPW8043)
  • Studio of Planning and Development Information (PTPW8044)

Smart Cities

  • Smart City Planning (LTPW8093)
  • Environment and Social Systems of Smart City (LTPW8094)
  • Economy and Smart City Finance (LTPW8095)
  • Smart City Governance (LTPW8096)
  • Sustainable Smart Urban Planning Studio (PTPW8097)


Regular Program Registration

The schedule for registration and selection is only carried out in even semesters, with an estimated timeline as follows:

  • Registration and Selection : October – January (via PMB UNDIP portal)
  • Start Lecture : March
2) Dual Degree Program

One of the strengths of the MPURP UNDIP is the network of international partners that are well established and continue to be developed. Therefore, MPURP UNDIP also opened a Dual Degree educational program. Learning activities in this dual degree program are delivered in English. With this program, students will get a degree from two universities at once, namely Diponegoro University and a master’s program in planning studies at partner universities, including:

  • Technical University of Berlin, Germany
  • Technical University of Muenchen, Germany
  • University of Darmstadt, Germany
  • Radboud University, Netherlands
  • ENTPE, France
  • Hiroshima University, Japan
  • Yokohama University, Japan
  • Griffith University, Australia

OIn this Dual Degree Program, students take their first year at MPWK Diponegoro University and the second year in the partner university study programs. Experience and international exposure will be felt by students through this program.

Most students take dual degree programs with scholarships from the government. However, this double degree program is also open to self-funded students. Minimum TOEFL 550 requirements or IELTS 6.5 with no band below 6.0 for dual degree programs. The Dual Degree Curriculum (MPURP UNDIP Components) is as follows:

The following are the details of the Compulsory Core Courses in the MPURP UNDIP Dual Degree Program:

  • Planning and Development Issues (PTPW8001)
  • Planning and Development Process (PTPW8002)
  • Planning Method Analysis (PTPW8003)
  • Development and Planning Theory (PTPW8008)
  • Research Methodology (PTPW8009)
  • Thesis (PTPW8013)


Meanwhile, the following are the Core Specialization Courses offered:

Urban and Regional Planning

  • Urban and Regional Planning (LTPW8004)
  • Space and Location Theory (LTPW8005)
  • Urban and Regional Economics (LTPW8006)
  • Governance and Planning (LTPW8007)
  • Studio of Urban and Regional Planning (PTPW8010)

The following are some of the Elective Courses (Cross Specializations and Programs) provided:

  • Climate Change and Planning (LTPW8011)
  • Rural Planning and Development (LTPW8012)
  • Konservasi Kawasan (LTPW8025)
  • Panduan Rancang Kota (LTPW8026)
  • Manajemen Lahan Perkotaan (LTPW8038)
  • Analisis Spasial Lanjut (LTPW8045)
  • GIS dan Permodelan Transportasi (LTPW8046)
  • Pengembangan Infrastruktur Wilayah Terpadu (LTPW8052)
  • Pengembangan Lokal (LTPW8054)
  • Mitigasi Bencana dan Penataan Ruang (LTPW8081)
  • Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis (LTPW8082)
  • Smart Region (LTPW8089)
  • Smart Mobility (LTPW8099)


Dual Degree Program Registration

The schedule for registration and selection is only carried out in odd semesters, with an estimated timeline as follows:
• Registration and Selection : October – January (via PMB UNDIP portal)
• Start Lecture : March

3) Research-Based Program

Based on UNDIP Regulation 5/2020, study at the master’s level can be carried out on a research basis (by research). It is fully based on the interests of students. This program is instructional in nature combined with constructive learning. This program is designed to build excellence based on the uniqueness of research possessed by students. The curriculum for the Research-Based in MPURP UNDIP is as follows:

Master By Research Program Registration

The schedule for registration and selection is only carried out in odd semesters, with an estimated timeline as follows:
• Registration and Selection : January – June (via PMB UNDIP portal)
• Start Lecture : July/August

4) Research-Based Fast-Track Master

This program is specifically intended for URP UNDIP’s students who are sitting in Semester 7 to Semester 8 (in completion of thesis/TA) to participate in Semester 1 activities of Research-Based Masters. Thus, a 4-semester curriculum design can be completed in 3 semesters or less. Students who pass the selection do not need to pay tuition fee (UKT) in semester 1 of the MPURP UNDIP.

Master By Research Fast Track Program Registration

Registration opens at the end of Semester 7, with an estimated timeline as follows:
Registration and Selection : End of Nov – Mid January (via MPURP UNDIP website)
• Selection Process : Mid – End of January
• Selection Announcement : Early February
• Start Lecture : Mid February

Credite System (SKS)

Based on the Rector’s Regulation No. 5 article 27 regarding the meaning of semester credit units (SKS) in the learning process, 1 (one) SKS is as follows:

  • 1 (one) credit in the learning process in the form of lectures or tutorials, consisting of: (a) Face-to-face activities directly or through online/online for 50 (fifty) minutes per week per semester; (b) Structured assignment activities of 60 (sixty) minutes per week per semester; and; and (c) 60 (sixty) minutes of independent activity per week per semester;
  • 1 (one) credit in the learning process in the form of a seminar or other of the same type, consisting of: (a) Face-to-face activities or online/online activities for 100 (one hundred) minutes per week per semester; and (b) 70 (seventy) minutes of independent activity per week per semester;
  • Calculation of the learning load in a block, module, or other form of system is determined according to the needs in meeting learning outcomes.
  • 1 (one) credit in the learning process in the form of practicum, studio practice, workshop practice, field practice, research, community service, and/or other similar forms of learning, 170 (one hundred and seventy) minutes per week per semester.

Calculation For further detail, The Module Handbook is available at the following link: Module Handbook MPWK.